In the universe of Akedo and the Ultimate Arcade Warriors, the struggle of the ultimate arcade warriors continues! New Mini Battling Action Figures to collect and use in battle. In Series 2, things have advanced, and the REAL combat action is now more fierce! Fighting game arcade's most brutal skills have jumped off the screen and into your hands. Select a Warrior, engage in fierce combat, and finish them off with a Split Strike! - FINISHED! Battle it out with your pals to prove who the greatest arcade warrior is. READY: Put your Battle Controller on with your chosen warrior selected. FIGHT your opponent quickly and fiercely, then "SPLIT STRIKE" them to finish them off and watch them crumble! Boys may collect and battle with 23 fantastic new Mini Battling Action Figure toys in Series 2. These new competitors use various weapons and fighting techniques. Find the Exclusive "Glow-in-the-Dark" Encode by looking for Classic, Epic, Ultra Rare, and Legendary Warriors! Continue gathering to assemble the ultimate group of Akedo Warriors.