Music is the universal language. Every country, every culture, and every person knows at least one thing about music. It can be to  express love, to showcase a unique culture, to communicate or simply to enjoy. And it has been here for a very long time. Every person reacts to it naturally. Music instruments are also a great way for children to express themselves and even pick up a new hobby. The different choices available through Casey's Toys will encourage any child to flex their musical skills and let their voices soar.

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Music also plays a major role in a child's life. Have you seen a  child bounce up and down to a beat for the first time? You did not teach them about music, they just can't help but respond to it. Music is the language of all persons, even babies. From the day they were born, parents sing lullabies to soothe them. As they grow older, nursery rhymes become their everyday learning companion. Then they slowly transition to learning to play different types of musical instruments. Music has been and will always be a part of our lives. In fact, we have known music since we are still in our mother's womb. Some mothers listen to classical music during pregnancy to increase the baby's development.

Kids are encouraged to play with musical toys for a number of reasons. One, they learn the concept of cause and effect. How? Let us take a musical keyboard as an example. The music plays with the press of a key. The cause: pressing the key. The effect: the music produced. Pressing one key produces one tune, pressing two keys produces two tunes, and so on. See how that can benefit your child? They will know that their actions have equal consequences. And because of that, they will have an idea of how to make careful decisions in order to produce great effects.

Two, their fine motor skills are improved with the use of musical instruments. Motor skills are very important in a young child's development. Learning how to use even the smallest muscles of the body is crucial. How do musical instruments help in developing these skills? Let us use a different instrument as an example this time. Say, the drums. You can only produce music with a drum set by banging it with drum sticks. So the first lesson for a kid who wants to play the drums wold be to hold the drum sticks. It would be easy for adults, but it is different for kids. Since their muscles and their hand-eye coordination are not yet fully-developed, holding a drum stick would be a big task for them.When they learn how to it is a huge step in their development

Next, their senses are developed as well, especially their sense of sight and hearing. These two are essential for playing instruments and other musical toys. Their sight and hearing becomes more sensitive to their surroundings. They also become more familiar with different sounds associated with different instruments. Not just with instruments, they learn how to connect sounds to everyday things like doorbell, animals, the sound of the rain, and many others.

Many musical toys are also multi-functional, meaning they are designed to teach kids other things aside from music. This type of toy is common for toddlers who are just starting to learn basic skills. Numbers, letters, and shapes are connected to music for the kids to quickly learn it. And because of the happy tunes and sounds associated with the lessons, kids are having fun while learning. They become more interested with the lessons that results to early development. These toys enhance many areas in a child's development such as: speech, reading, counting, colours, shapes. It's fun, and it's highly educational.

Creativity and patience goes hand in hand with learning to play musical toys. Kids develop creativity when playing instruments. When they want to play a song or they want to create their own melody, they must use their creativity to produce the music. To do that, they must learn the different chords and other elements that make up music. It takes a lot of patience to learn all of those. Before anyone can play a particular song using an instrument, regular practice is required. Aside from that, there will be room for continuous learning. Again, let's take the keyboard as an example. Once a kid finally learns how to play it properly, it's possible that his interest will shift to another unfamiliar musical instrument. This heightened interest in learning about different things can be applied in other areas of life as well.

What musical instrument are you looking for today? Get one for yourself and make sure to practice everyday.