The Avengers Movie Titan Hero Series, 12 Inch Assorted, is a thrilling action figure of the powerful Iron-Man inspired by Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War movie. It belongs to the Titan Hero Series line of toys by the famous toy brand Hasbro. This Titan Hero has a red armoured body with flashes of gold and silver highlighting the Iron-man suit's robotic features. The action figure is made from durable quality plastic material and is safe for children's play. This toy will be loved by little Avengers fans and offer them playful hours of superhero actions. The figurine also features a compatible port to fit the Titan Hero Power FX weapon (sold separately). This Avengers toy measures 30.5 cm in height and 10.2 cm in width. This fantastic toy figure is especially recommended for kids above the age of four. This Titan Hero can be joined with other Titan heroes to add more action to the game.