Introducing the Bandai Digimon Shodo Figure Set, a must-have for Digimon enthusiasts. This unique assortment includes three beloved Digimon figures: Metal Garurumon, Garudamon, and Omegamon, each standing at around 3.5 inches tall. With finely detailed figures allow fans to relive their favorite moments from the Digital World.
Metal Garurumon, with its icy-blue armor and fierce demeanor, captures the essence of adventure. Garudamon soars gracefully through the skies with majestic wings, embodying the spirit of freedom. Omegamon, the ultimate fusion of courage and friendship, is ready to defend the Digital World.
Whether you're a long-time Digimon aficionado or a newcomer to the franchise, these figures are a nostalgic and collectible addition. The Bandai Digimon Shodo Figure Set brings the magic of Digimon to life and is a perfect addition to any collection. Each figure is suitable for Digimon enthusiasts aged 14 and older.