Dive into the captivating world of the Gundam Infinity Collection by Bandai, a tribute to the Gundam Universe's most iconic Mobile Suits. These 11.43 cm figures, featuring over 14 points of articulation and a range of battle-ready accessories, showcase the craftsmanship and detail expected by Gundam enthusiasts.
The first wave introduces legendary battle frames, including Artemis, RX-78-2, XXXG-01W Wing, MBF-PO2 Astray, and Barbatos, each a miniature masterpiece.
What sets this collection apart is its exciting customization potential. Swap interchangeable arms, legs, torsos, and heads across figures to create unique combinations, unleashing endless possibilities for creativity.
As a special bonus, each figure includes 'Build a Figure' accessories, allowing collectors to construct the classic MS-06F Zaku II Mobile Suit—an exclusive not available in stores. The Gundam SEED Astray series' MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame is also included, adding a touch of legend.
This prototype Mobile Suit, part of Orb's task, adds to the collection, making it a must-have for Gundam fans. The Gundam Infinity Collection takes fans on a trip into the heart of customization and narrative, enabling them to unleash the power of their creativity.
Ideal for children aged 6 and older.
Set includes:
- Gerbera Straight Katana
- Type 71 Beam Rifle and Shield combo
- Build-a-figure body/torso accessory