Enter the magical world of Dreamtopia with the Barbie Dreamtopia Princess Dolls, where dreams become reality. Each doll is dressed for imaginative adventures in vibrant, removable outfits, complete with matching shoes and sparkling tiaras.
The Rainbow Cove Princess lights up imaginations with her rainbow-printed skirt, the Sweetville Princess delights with candy-colored accents, and the Sparkle Mountain Princess shines with silvery details on her bodice.
With Barbie and Chelsea leading the way, children can explore endless storytelling possibilities in a realm of fantasy and fun. Collect all the Barbie Dreamtopia dolls and accessories to create your own magical adventures!
These princesses, each representing their own unique kingdom, spark creativity and wonder in every child. Sold separately and subject to availability, the dolls cannot stand on their own, and colors and decorations may vary.
Suitable for ages 3 and older.