Welcome to the enchanting world of My First Barbie, a specially curated collection for preschoolers. This delightful series introduces larger dolls with easy-to-dress features and poseable, soft-touch bodies, perfect for fostering creativity and sparking endless imaginative play. The simplicity of the doll's closures makes dressing up a breeze for small hands, setting the stage for fun and easy fashion moments.
But My First Barbie goes beyond just play—it's a learning experience. Included in each set is a large-scale brush for combing and styling the doll's hair, promoting dexterity and teaching the importance of personal care. The dolls also come with a printed plush squirrel companion, complete with a wristlet for the doll to carry her soft and squishy animal friend on various adventures.
With characters like Malibu, Brooklyn, Renee, or Teresa to choose from, each sold separately, My First Barbie encourages diversity in fashion play. This debut collection not only celebrates friendship stories but also inspires preschoolers to engage in imaginative fashion play, creating sweet BFF moments that nurture young minds.