"One Two Kangaroo" is a captivating children's book written by Ed Allen and illustrated by Cate James. This delightful story takes young readers on a counting adventure as they explore how many Australian animals can fit into Kangaroo's pouch. From the mischievous numbat to the colorful cockatoo and the mighty crocodile, children will eagerly count and predict which animal will tip Kangaroo over the edge.
By engaging with the book's interactive counting experience, children develop their numeracy skills while having fun with math. With vibrant illustrations and an engaging storyline, "One Two Kangaroo" is perfect for children aged 3 to 6, offering an enchanting blend of education and entertainment that sparks a lifelong love for learning.
- 0.35kg
Carton Dimensions:
- 25.00cm x 1.00cm x 24.00cm
- 9781761290084