There are people who like to work with their hands. Then some want to engage in activities with straightforward application of thought, planning and strategy, with not much being done by the hands. There is, however, also another category of folks, who like to combine both. The Dino Cube Puzzle is an excellent example of such an activity. This item is a "twisty" puzzle shaped like a cube, with modifications to the classic Rubik's cube. Usually, each surface of the cube is coloured differently, meaning that it has a 6-colour configuration. The ultimate objective is simple: the scrambled colours need to be brought back to their original state of 1 colour per side. The cube consists of 12 pieces that you can twist, rotate and turn through logical reason and analytical though to achieve this goal. The puzzle is made of non-toxic, high-grade material and is generally quite durable. People above the age of 14 best enjoy the puzzle.