The Disney Studio's original animated feature film Frozen and its sequel are a big hit worldwide. The two main characters, Anna and her sister Elsa, are very popular among young girls are instantly recognisable. In addition to Anna and Elsa, their companion Olaf is also a popular character. This 40cm backpack for school or leisure has prominent purple and pink theme colours that make a striking accessory for the trendy young school-going child. This backpack features two side pockets with an elastic top grip that can house bottles or water canisters. It has one main compartment with a big metal zipper and a front compartment pocket that is also big with a metal zipper. The best feature is on the image of Anna, Elsa and Olaf at the front compartment pocket have 4 small but bright sparkly lights that come on when this pocket is touched and makes this backpack look awesome. Suitable for ages 5 years and above.