The 60th film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Encanto, tells the story of the Madrigals, a remarkable family who live secretly in the Colombian mountains in a lovely home, a bustling town, and a wondrous, enchanted location known as an "Encanto". Every family member, except Mirabel, has been endowed by the magic of the Encanto with a special talent, ranging from superhuman strength to the ability to heal. Mirabel, the sole ordinary Madrigal, realises she might be her remarkable family's last hope when she learns that the enchantment encircling the Encanto is in jeopardy. With these Madrigal family miniature dolls, enter the enchanted realm of Disney's Encanto! Each doll features an accessory piece that symbolises the magical talent of the Madrigal figure it is modelled after. You may position and act out your favourite Encanto scenarios thanks to articulated hip and shoulder joints! Gather Mirabel, Antonio, Luisa, Isabela, Pepa, and Julieta together. Styles and colours may differ. With these Madrigal family miniature dolls, enter the enchanted realm of Disney's Encanto!