The Go Balance Bike by Globber is a balance bike for toddlers. It is pink in colour with black wheels and a black seat. The seat has 3 height adjustments while the T-bar has two height adjustments. The bike can grow with your kid. It has a TPR seat and ergonomically designed handlebars for easy riding. The tyres are made of highly resistant EVA foam, and the composite free rims make sure the bike does not suffer any punctures. This balance bike is designed for kids between the age of 2 and 5. It helps children learn essential motor skills and helps them develop a good sense of balance before they move to their first pedal bikes. Since the bike's height can be adjusted, children can take enough time to learn their go bike and transition smoothly to pedal cycles-the bike is also easy to carry around by parents or children. It can be lifted easily by placing your hand under the seat and firmly gripping the seat with one hand and the handle with the other to carry it effortlessly. It measures 56cm x 24cm x 13cm.