Introducing the SD Gundam EX-Standard Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode, a groundbreaking addition to the renowned "SD Gundam EX Standard" series, now available in Japan after conquering overseas markets. T
his exceptional model kit elevates standards with significantly enhanced range of motion, enabling a diverse array of dynamic poses previously unattainable in conventional SD Gundam series kits. The real innovation lies in its expanded compatibility with the HG series, broadening customization possibilities through part exchanges.
Unleash your creativity as you delve into a world where the Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode becomes a canvas for your imagination. Its heightened articulation and seamless integration with HG series parts redefine the boundaries of customization.
With a scale of 1:144, the Gundam Model Kit SD Ex-Standard Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode stands at a compact yet impressive 20.6cm x 15.2cm x 5.2cm. This kit is not just a model; it's a testament to precision engineering and an open invitation for enthusiasts to craft a unique Gundam masterpiece that reflects their distinct style.