With the 4M Kidzlabs Game Marker Chess Designer Set, you can design and create your very own chess set. Thirty-two blank chess pieces from the 4M Kidzlabs Game Marker Chess Designer Set can be personalised to make a one-of-a-kind set. ,A battery-operated painting spinner rotates each chess piece so you may paint your design without interruption. Simply insert your wooden chess pieces into the spinner's centre, then turn it on. The spinner will swiftly rotate your chess piece as it is being coated in acrylic paint, so all you need to do is hold it steady while using a brush. Once your personalised paint job has dried, add more features by painting or sticking on stickers from the supplied sheet. You are now prepared to play after your decorating is complete. Between matches, your items will remain safe thanks to the convenient drawstring back. Set suitable for children five and older.