The LEGO Friends Friendship Camper Van Adventure set offers an exciting 778-piece experience for kids, bringing outdoor adventures to life. Featuring a camper van that opens to reveal a kitchen, toilet, and sleeping area, it's designed for imaginative role-play.
Inside the van, kids can explore the functional kitchen, a quirky toilet that ‘flushes', and a cozy sleeping space for the 3 included mini-doll characters. Outdoors, there's a bike, picnic table, chairs, and essential camping accessories like binoculars, a compass, and a wrench.
This playset also includes a cute ferret figure, adding to the fun-filled camping adventure. For even more storytelling possibilities, kids can discover additional sets in the LEGO Friends series or tune in to LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter online show to explore Heartlake City.
Suitable for ages 7 and older.