Indulge in the imaginative world of DreamWorks Animation's Gabby's Dollhouse with LEGO Bakey with Cakey Fun. This captivating set invites kids to join Gabby and her friend Cakey in an action-packed kitchen adventure.
With a mixing machine, whipped cream, fruit, chocolate, and a chef-cat oven, the possibilities for culinary creativity are endless. The highlight of the set is a tiered cake with a rotating top section, ready to be adorned with swirls of frosting, fruit, chocolate, and golden stars.
The cake case Starter Brick ensures an easy and enjoyable building experience for kids. After playtime, all the accessories conveniently store inside the cake for the next baking extravaganza.
The box includes a colorful picture-story guide, while the LEGO Builder app offers zoom and rotate tools for enhanced play. This set is not only for kids but also provides an opportunity for adults to bond with young ones over the joy of LEGO building.
Unleash your creativity and embark on a delicious adventure with LEGO Bakey with Cakey Fun, the perfect fusion of Gabby's Dollhouse and LEGO bricks. Designed for children aged 4 and above, the large cupcake measures over 6cm x 6.5cm x 6.5cm.
Product features:
Includes a Gabby mini-doll figure, and cakey figure
Accessories includes a buildable small kitchen with a mixing bowl, ingredients, a giant cupcake with decorations, a revolving top, and a chef-cat oven
LEGO Builder app that can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, track progress and save sets
Contains 58 parts
Part of the LEGO Gaby's Dollhouse