The popular LEGO Jurassic World series includes moulded, constructible dinosaur figures, minifigures, and intricate toy vehicles for play and exhibition that have gift options to satisfy enthusiasts of all ages. This LEGO® Jurassic World Blue & Beta Velociraptor Capture (76946) kit will appeal to kids who like dinosaurs and amazing vehicles. It includes a buildable toy truck, bike, and dinosaur cage with a trap function and an accessory element of chicken drumsticks for dinosaur bait, all of which were inspired by an exciting sequence in the Jurassic World Dominion movie. In order to encourage children to role-play and create their own stories, this toy playset for children ages six and up also comes with two minifigures: Maisie and Rainn Delacourt with a tranquilliser rifle as well as Blue and Beta dinosaur figures. Even novice builders can confidently create the models because of the clear instructions in the box, and the kit excellently pairs with other LEGO Jurassic World construction toys for even more recreational fun.