Relive the enchanting world of Disney with this new collection - LEGO Minifigures Disney Series 2 - from the LEGO brand. The new collection presents a colourful array of leading characters from the Disney franchise. Part of this collection is miniature play figures of famous Disney characters like Skellington, Sally, Edna, Frozone, Chip, Dale, Jasmine, Jafar, Dewey, Huey, Minnie, Mickey, Jack, Louie, Scrooge, Hercules, Hades, Elsa, and Anna. These mini-figures are perfectly designed to bring unlimited possibilities of magic, play and fun to any LEGO set. Alongside miniature characters, the collection features new accessories and costumes for some of the characters. These accessories include hats, hairpieces, gift boxes and more. Each mini-figure comes in a "mystery" bag and makes for an ideal playmate for children aged five and above. This collection of Disney characters is exclusive and limited. The play figures present choking hazards and are inappropriate for children under the age of 3.