The LEGO Movie 2 Emmet's Thricycle is one of the more unique vehicles from the feature film LEGO Movie 2. This set contains 174 pieces of building bricks and tiles and 1 mini-figure. This unique-looking vehicle has 3 large tyres in vertical alignment and is in contact with one another; all 3 tyres are always turning when this vehicle is on the move. A pair of mudflaps above the highest tyre and the driver's position is on the very top deck of this vehicle, where there is a small deck to place a pot and plant. There is an exhaust outlet at the back of this vehicle, with a bright headlight at the front. The driver stands at his control position and will have a commanding view from the height of the control area. A refuelling stand build is included with this set, which can help hold this tall vehicle from falling. Suitable for ages 6 years and up.