The iconic LEGO Super Heroes Batman Batwing & The Riddler Heist set can take you on exciting adventures with Batman. It features four mini-figures, including Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Shazam and the riddler. Batman's batwing is a super cool vehicle with an opening mini figure cockpit, including rapid-fire multi-shooters. The rapid multi shooters also have tile and ammo and two shooters. The shooters can fire tiles and studs. In a single succession, each multi shooter can fire three tiles. Commissioner Gordon has a police car that features a driver seat, removable roof and Gotham city police stickers. The removable roof of the police car can give easy access to the driver's seat. There is also a helicopter featuring a cockpit, spinning routers, flick missiles, and a hook to pick up stuff. A safe includes a locking function containing $200 bills, two gems, and cash elements inside. It can be opened by turning the dial and locked the same way