The LEGO DC Batman: The Animated Series Gotham City set brings Gotham's dark, iconic skyline to life for adult fans of Batman. This impressive 4,210-piece build spans over 76 cm and reveals the gritty underworld of Gotham through 15 removable panels that showcase iconic locations like Wayne Manor, the Batcave, and Arkham Asylum.
Fans will find hidden action scenes featuring classic characters—Batman, The Joker, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman—alongside a removable Batmobile and Batwing for added authenticity.
This highly detailed set is designed with adult builders in mind, allowing two people to build simultaneously thanks to 2 sets of instructions. The model can be displayed on a wall or on a surface using a convenient flip-out stand, giving fans the flexibility to showcase Gotham in a unique way.
Digital instructions are also available on the LEGO Builder app, making this a dynamic, collector-worthy piece for any Batman enthusiast.
Suitable for ages 18 and older.