Lego brings another addition to its many popular sets, the LEGO Super Heroes Spider-Man the Menace of Mysterio, recommended for children over four years of age. The included items in this set consist of the Spider-Man helicopter, Mysterio mech playset, Spider-Man, Ghost-Spider, and Mysterio Lego mini-figurines. The mech has wheels and arms that you can move. This can go charging and smash into the bank's vault. There are 163 pieces in this set, and they are of various very bright colours. Children can use the claws on the Spider Man's helicopter to get Mysterio tangled up with a blast of the web. The Spiderman helicopter is 13 cm long, and the mech over is 10 cm high. The weight is 0.42 kg, which makes it easy for kids to handle. Kids can get together and create wonderful, imaginative stories around one of their all-time favourite super-heroes and build on their fine motor skills simultaneously.