Embark on an extraordinary lunar adventure with the LEGO Technic NASA Lunar Rover Model Set, designed for adult builders. This intricate 1,913-piece set features a detailed replica of the Apollo 17 lunar rover module, measuring over 14 cm high, 38 cm long, and 25 cm wide.
The model includes three attachable equipment sets, allowing you to fully explore and interact with the rover's functionality. Test out the steering and suspension while imagining moonwalks and sample collection. The set's battery pack features realistic heating and cooling elements and a TV camera with antennae.
It also includes a communications unit, tools such as a shovel and drill, and LEGO Moon rock elements. Notable additions include the Traverse Gravimeter Experiment and a tribute to Big Muley, the largest rock sample brought to Earth by Apollo.
This detailed set makes an impressive display piece and a perfect gift for space and LEGO enthusiasts.
Suitable for ages 18 and older.