Minnie Mouse is a popular animated female mouse character that Walt Disney created. Minnie Mouse is also known as the long-time love interest of the very popular animated character Mickey Mouse. Minnie Mouse is very feminine in appearance, with eyelashes, her large head bow and the red dress with white polka dot she is usually seen wearing. Young girls can easily identify with Minnie Mouse as she has a sweet disposition, is kind and loving. Due to her popularity, young girls have an affinity with Minnie Mouse, just like their affinity with other female characters in the Disney universe, such as Anna and Elsa from the Frozen movie series. This Minnie hairbrush would make a great gift for any young girl, with its charming Minnie Mouse themed design and extra-soft bristles that will provide comfort when using on the young girl's hair. There is a beautiful image of Minnie Mouse on the back of this hairbrush. Suitable for ages 3 years and up.