Buying property in prized locations, beating somebody else to a property you didn't even want but needed to stop them completing the series and hitting others hard with the utility bills is so very Monopoly. The Monopoly Deal game is a fun, quirky version of the popular board game everyone knows. It is played with the help of 110 cards and is astonishingly quick to finish-15 minutes or less! There are 4 different card categories: one each for ownership, tenancy, hotel and house cards and finally, for a wild property. Players can charge rent, agree upon and finalise deals with the help of action cards. The hotel and house cards enable increased rent values. Players complete a set of the property with the wild property cards and money cards allow players to make their payment. If you complete a set of 3 property cards of colour, you win! It's a game best enjoyed by children above 8 along with the adults! 2 to 5 players can participate.