PAW Patrol is a popular animated series for children that features a young boy named Ryder, who leads a highly trained and skilled search and rescue dogs, called the PAW Patrol. They all work together to protect the community of Adventure Bay its surrounding neighbouring areas. The PAW Patrol members are Chase, a German Shepard dog that serves as the police; Marshall the Dalmatian dog that serves as the firefighter and paramedic; Skye the cockapoo that serves as the pilot, Rocky the Scottish Terrier that is the recycler and handyman, Zuma the Labrador Retriever that handles the aquatic missions and Rubble the bulldog that is the construction expert. The PAW Patrol animated series is famous for the seamless teamwork among the members. The PAW Patrol Pup Squirters are small action figures of the PAW patrol that can be submerged in water, suck in the water, and then squirt out water from their mouths as a fun water shooter. Suitable for ages 4 and above.