Based on the popular Korean-Chinese animated TV series, Super Wings features Jett, a cheerful jet, and his other aeroplane friends who strive to find peaceful solutions to their problems while delivering packages to children worldwide. This Super Wings Fly With Me toy set comprise either Jett, a small red and white jet, or Donnie, an orange and blue plane which is an inventor with his toolbox. Jett likes to fly all over the world to help deliver packages. The Jett Fly With Me toy has flashing lights and a passport with 6 cards that you can swipe on top of his head to speak greetings in 6 languages: Korean, English, Chinese, Russian, French and Spanish. The Donnie Fly With Me toy has flashing lights, spinning propellers, his special toolbox, and he can make 4 different sounds when he changes 4 different directions. This is an assortment pack, and 1 toy set will be supplied and picked at random when you purchase. Recommended for ages 3 years and up. [Note 3 AAA batteries are required (not included)].