The Super Wings Friendly Friends animated television series is popular for young kids, starting from pre-school. This animated series shows the fun adventures of a friendly and helpful aeroplane named Jett and his other aeroplane and helicopter friends. This animated series also exposes the young kids to the cultural diversity and the location differences that exist in the real world, via the storylines. From watching the animated series, young kids will learn about the popular landmarks, language, and customs of the new locations or new settings in age-appropriate ways that trigger their curiosity and stimulate learning while enjoying the show. While playing with the toy models of Jett and his friends, young kids can relive the action scenes they see on the show and repeat the strong message about friendship and teamwork the Super Wings Friends show in every episode. This Super Wings Flying Friends Plush series is a soft toy version of the Super Wings Friends characters. For ages 3 and up.
- 0.10kg
Carton Dimensions:
- 16.00cm x 13.00cm x 22.00cm
- 6911400354218