The iconic Tamiya Hotshot II makes a triumphant return after its 1987 debut, now revamped by Japanese designer Jun Watanabe and Blockhead Motors. This 1:10 scale R/C assembly kit merges classic style with modern enhancements, offering hobbyists a thrilling blend of nostalgia and innovation.
The pre-cut, pre-painted polycarbonate body features a striking blue finish, with updated cutlines and hole markings from the original. A raised roll cage and higher driver position add realism, complemented by matte metal-plated uprights and wheels for a bold aesthetic. Blockhead Motors' touch shines through custom decals, number plates, window nets, and a dummy antenna, delivering a distinctive, off-road vibe.
Beneath its stylish exterior, the kit includes a 540-type brushed motor and features a 4-wheel double wishbone suspension with CVA oil dampers for exceptional performance. Requiring additional components to complete, this updated classic is perfect for enthusiasts seeking an exciting, hands-on R/C experience with a legendary design.