In the Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures animated series, the battle between brave Autobots and evil Decepticons continues! Discover each Cyberverse Adventures character's unique abilities and capabilities, and see how those abilities will be used to defend or endanger Earth. You can transform DeadEnd from robot to automobile mode in just six steps. The figure's Sonic Upper Cut Action Attack move is activated in the final conversion step! The move can be repeated after converting it using simple reactivation processes. Other Action Attackers figures, each available individually, can be collected by kids to learn the trademark attack moves of famous Cyberverse Adventures characters — one of the greatest ways to introduce young children to the series. Transformers Cyberverse Action Attackers allows you to convert and assault! You may transform the figure from robot to vehicle mode in six simple steps. The attack move can be repeated using simple reactivation processes after transforming it. Each Action Attacker's figure performs a signature character attack move.
- 0.10kg
Carton Dimensions:
- 11.00cm x 4.00cm x 17.00cm
- 630509679485