In the Cyberverse animated series, the heroic Autobots and wicked Decepticons are racing to find the Allspark! Both sides can use the Allspark to gain astonishing new abilities, such as the ability to transform Earth vehicles into Spark Armor, battle-ready armour that allows them to fight in new places and new ways. Bots with ground-based alt modes can use Spark Armor to take to the sky, while those with flying alt modes are suddenly just as dangerous on the ground. Examine how the Allspark's power will be used to defend... or endanger... Earth. Starscream uses the Allspark's power to transform a bulldozer into Demolition Destroyer, a powerful Spark Armor! Other Spark Armor figures (each sold individually, subject to availability) can be collected by kids to discover more interesting Cyberverse heroes! Battle Class Spark Armor is compatible with all Battle Class figurines.
- 0.25kg
Carton Dimensions:
- 23.00cm x 6.00cm x 20.00cm
- 630509885008