This toy set is inspired by a 2007 Transformers movie from the Masterpiece Movie Series. The toy set presents, Barricade, who is a vicious, power-hungry, complicated-looking robot from the movie. Barricade converts into a police car to gain the trust of humans and execute his cold-blooded plans in secret. This miniature play figure of the deadly Barricade is a must-have item for children as well as fans of the Transformers franchise and adult collectors. The most exciting feature of this toy set is that you can convert it from a robot to a police car. The toy set also features the Barricade's deathly blade. The toy is manufactured from a blend of plastic and metal; all materials are high quality, safe and certified. The mini toy figure is crafted to perfection with a detailed interior, and a die-cast finish. The exterior of the toy figure is sturdy, intricate and glare-free. The toy is not battery-operated.